Thursday 27 January 2011

Thursday january 27th 2011

Christmas was absolutely trash,
No presents, no cards from the family, my poor brother unable to visit and I am still  looking for a job.
I claim jobseekers allowance and my "advisor" at the dole office told me that I have reached a new stage in my benefit claim called Flexible New Deal.
Fuck knows what that means. Apparently it is an intensive programme involving a dutch-owned employment services provider called Calder uk where you are made to attend their office on a twice-weekly basis to look for work.
I already do this for an hour a day in the damn library.
These people calder and the dole office have been a right bunch of cunts to me. Calder are unhelpful,
my "jobcoach" with them is rude, presumptuous, at their office I am frequently left on my own to do whatever
and the dole office like to make out that they don't know or don't even care.
This is my third appointment with my Calder "jobcoach" and I feel that the situation is absolutely hopeless.
A couple of months ago I applied for a job with a clothing chain called H+M and I was turned down because they had too many people apply.
The people at calder said "have you tried doing voluntary work"
well, yes I have.
It is just as difficult to find work in the voluntary sector as it is to find paid employment.
It is hard to find any kind of job.
Even harder to find any kind that doesn't require a university degree and harder still if, like me
you have asperger's syndrome.